This Thursday at 8 AM (UTC+0) April. 1st 2021, the WeBlock Community (A full-service blockchain accelerator) hosted the CEO from Jobchain, Mr Jose Bay in a live Ask-Me-Anything (AMA).
A brief introduction & background to JOBCHAIN:
Guest Answer :I am Jose Bay, my previous experience has been purely in cybersecurity. I was a former cybersecurity officer for nuclear facilities for the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Also, I was in charge of Internal Control in the area of cybersecurity for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe for 7 years.
I left my previous duties in those organizations to start this project in the end of 2019. Completely self-funded by me.
In our missions around the globe I identified the need for a platform that could combine financial services with recruitment services to cover the needs of over 1700 M people without access to bank accounts.
Jobchain® started back then; it´s an ecosystem that enables anybody to find jobs anywhere while getting a salary in cryptocurrency.
Our team, just to summarize, comes from that area as well. CFO, former ex-tresurer of the OSCE, Peter, lead ERP at the IAEA and Daniel, Senior software engineer at European Spacial Agency.
Host Q&A Session
Question 1:
[Host] What makes Jobchain stand out from the other projects?
Guest Answer: Our project enables a solution that no other service provider in the market offers. We unify decentralized identification services, with financial services and recruitment services. Users will be able to pay and get paid with the currency that they select while being protected through the whole process of work labour.
It allows also major companies to save a considerable amount of capital while paying through our ecosystem.
In this sense, we provide a solution for over 1700 M people in the world that do not have access to those services.
We have prepared a summary for our users that we would like to share today so they go can through it while we have the AMA.

Question 2:
[Host] How do you see your project in a few years?
Guest Answer: Our aim is to expand the adoption of JOB everywhere. The main currency for payments of salaries worldwide. Through our connections in International Organizations and governmental institutions, we are working to integrate already our system with them. We are having a pilot testing with one of the biggest telecommunications company in the world.
Question 3:
[Host] What do you consider to be Jobchain’s best contribution to the crypto industry?
Guest Answer: Jobchain´s best contribution is 1. Provide a trustworthy and reliable corporation that offers a series of decentralized services that can contribute to improving the way people interact. 2. Provide a series of social security benefits to all the Jobchain Users and enhance those rewards for JOB Token Holders.
Question 4:
[Host] Your JOB tokens will be registered in which exchanges?
Guest Answer: JOB is already listed in over 20 exchanges. Yesterday we got listed in Bittrex. We are also listed in Digifinex, Probit, P2PB2B, Sistemkoin and others. April will come full of listings in other Top Tier Exchanges. Also, and as an announcement, we have partnered with a French service provider and will allow users to pay natively in JOBs in any shop and also we will be able to have JOBs in your wallet and use them to charge a VISA debit.
On the other hand, we already partnered with General Bytes, and we are present in over 7000 ATMs worldwide, mostly in the US.
Question 5:
[Host] Why do you think people will join the Jobchain platform if crypto it’s still in a growing status?
Guest Answer: We will offer to all JOB Token holders a series of benefits that will be announced step by step that will attract users to our platform. First they will be able to handle their crypto in a very easy way and secondly, they will have a access to a labor market. In addition, Jobchain PAY is being developed in parallel to allow users to spend their crypto anywhere.
Community Live Questions
Best Selected Question from Community Members:
Q: What plans do you have to help drive demand and scarcity for the token? In future, Do you have any burn/buy-back program?
Guest Answer: We are going to offer a series of benefits for token holders as cashback in salaries, cashback in online shops. Also, we are having a burn program + buyback. All the benefits collected in our platform will be automatically redirected to the JOB Market.
Q: So many scam projects around us. And almost 90% projects with anonymous team do rug pull. At this point why you decided to remain anonymous? How can we trust you?
Guest Answer: Since the project started only with my resources, I decided to keep a low profile until things are a bit more established. I considered now is the right moment to start talking with the community and share what we are trying to achieve.
Q: Token burning is the best way in order to control token emissions and price. Do you support token burning?
Guest Answer: Absolutely. Also, our token is limited in number and we can´t print more. A token burn is already in works.
Q: Smart contracts are vulnerable to bugs, and even recently three big new DeFi projects were victims of this, costing users funds. How efficient and secured is your smart contract, and did you ever audit it via any external party?
Guest Answer: Thanks for the question. Our token as well as all the smart contracts that will be a part of the ecosystem are audited by Certik/Quantstamp. We take very seriously security in our corporation and we won´t activate any new functionality unless we are completely sure that users funds are safe. Our token, for example, obtained 99% score in security with Certik, the most advanced smart contract verification entity.
Q: What is the biggest problem in our society that Jobchain will solve?
Guest Answer: Thank you for your question. Our aim and objective is to provide a sustainable solution that could contribute to remove the problem of poverty in the world while offering a series of financial and recruitment services. It sounds big, but you asked. It will be done through a series of smart contracts that will guarantee a basic income for everyone.
Q: What kind of partners will Jobchain have? And what type of benefits will that partnerships bring to the users of Jobchain?
Guest Answer: we have partnered with Crypto Plaza, won 1st prize in an International contest of Blockchain Companies, closing partnerships with top international organizations and institutions to implement our solution with them. And… soon you will see announced one of the most known football players to announce that he will be receiving a part of his salary in JOBs.
Q: What are your top 3 things for priorities in 2021? Could you share some plans for the upcoming year? What are your plans for this year 2021? Can you share it with us?
Guest Answer:
The first top priorities are:
1. Listing in Top Tier Exchanges Q2 2021.
2. Announcement of all the benefits for JOB Token Holders
3. Full release of the platform. Available in dWeb also as dAPP, iOS, Android and Web.
4. Announcement of world-class partnerships.
5. Onboarding of Institutions to implement our solution in their respective ecosystem.
Q: During the build of your project, do you take into account any of the community feedbacks or demands to further expand the new ideas for the project?
Guest Answer: Absolutely. We would like that all the community takes part of our journey and they are welcome to collaborate with us to improve the platform. We can have a closed group of community members to access the product and work with us to improve it.
We are based right now in Europe, more specifically in Vienna, Austria and in Madrid, Zaragoza and Valencia in Spain. Offices in Palo Alto, are being established this month as well.
Q: NFT is considered the next trend of the crypto industry after DeFi. Could you share your opinion about NFT? Where do you see the future evolution of NFT features and capabilities in the next few years?
Guest Answer: The last one… we are working with Imastono to create a virtual world where users will be able to navigate through a series of rooms where they will have access to purchase official NFTs. We are working now with world-class football players, which they will be the first one to be a part of the NFT Museum.
I also personally believe, blockchain domains will have a big impact on the industry. ENS is doing a great job and their utility is clearly something to take into account.
If you have any consultation or more questions, please contact us in We will be happy to answer them.
Stay tune with JOBCHAIN ($JOB) for more!
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