How to participate WeBlock Tokensale for the very beginning round
As the most advanced accelerator driving by community members, WeBlock has been successfully running for over 1years, and gained unprecedent results and revenues.
Here is some data for the last years.
WeBlock Annual Accelerated Results Report


Since this is a decentralized project and all good results has been originated from community, hence the founding team decide to share all the results and revenues with its community, thus it announce the first round of tokensale in the community. So if you were a loyal member of WeBlock community, let’s dive in and see how to claim your first WeToken during this very early round.
Basic Info
Token Sale: 17AUG — 22AUG
Ticker: WON
Token type: ERC20
1st round ICO Token Price: 1 WON = 0.01 USDT

1. Click Wesite: or go to Token page directly :
2. Click WeToken

3. Copy the WON ICO Token Address(ERC20),and Use an Etherum wallet (Imtoken, MetaMask, TrustWallet etc.) to send 100USDT-1000USDT to WeToken Official Address(ERC20):
(Tip: please only refer to this address as WeBlock official address, any other opitons will be scam, if you were not sure, contact us in the telegram channel to verity)
WeBlock Telegram:

Etherum wallet (For example)

4. Token Received.
The system will send accordingly token back in every 24hours, double check your wallet later, and also you could check the block explore for the details:
Congratulate for your success purchase hence and welcome you to be a part of WeToken for a long term and share the interests together.
Official Website:
Please read all the notification buttons before your purchasing

Finnally, hope you enjoy this big event and welcome to be part of weblock!